str_blacklist=Black list of words (separate with semicolon) :
str_searchmethod1=Show all results which you will receive from search engine
str_searchmethod2=Show only these, which have the same string of characters as your search word
str_searchmethod3=Show these, which have whichever from written words
popup_default_program=Open in default program
popup_desctiption=The detailed description
popup_download=Download file .torrent
popup_content=Content of file .torrent
btn_show_main=Show program
str_search_in_results=Searching in results :
def_search_str=<words to finding in results>
def_search_str2=<Write word which you looking for on torrent webpages>
str_working=Searching . . .
str_stop=Searching done. Nothing found...
str_search_stop=Searching done
str_search=Searching ...
str_search_end_count=Done :
str_result_count=Number of results :
str_new_search=New search
str_noengines=Cannot start searching. Select one or more search engines
firstrun_text=It is Your first start of the program. You should first configure him, before you will use him. Do you want to start the window of the configuration?
firstrun_title=First use
str_system_language=Your Language
error_io=I/O Error
engines_notused=Not used
engines_searching=Searching ...
panels_options=Search options
panels_categories=Search categories
panels_engines=Current search engines
hint_seeds=Number of seeds
hint_peers=Number of leechers
info_complete=Searching - done
info_text1=Searching - done with word <FONT COLOR="ClRed"><B>%s</B></FONT>
info_text2=Found <B>%d</B> results.
function_parse=Function "Parse" don't exists in library %s
function_searchurl=Function "SearchUrl" don't exists in library %s
function_enginename=Function "EngineName" don't exists in library %s
searching_error=Cannot get results from <a href:="%s">%s</a>
file_cannot_download=Cannot download a file
file_cannot_connect=Cannot conect with server
warning_single_mode=Unfortunately, the simple mode is used and the access to preferences can cause the instability of the program! Are you certain that you have the installed default style? Press NO to download and install
info_error_update=Error when downloading information about updates ...
info_error_info=Error when downloading information ...
torrent_downloaded_url=Got address of torrent file ...
torrent_downloading_url=Getting address of torrent file ...
info_logo=Program logo
info_thanks=Thanks to betatesters of program
history_str=<B>%s</B><BR>recently: <I><B>%s</i></B>, at all<I><B>%s</I></B> times
history_delete_text=Are you sure to clear all search history?
history_delete_caption=Clear history
popup_search_again=Search again
popup_delete_all=Clear all
str_oryginal=Original name:
str_size=Total size :
str_sha1=SHA1 :
str_date=date of the creation :
str_tracker=Tracker :
str_seeds1=Number of seeds :
str_peers1=Number of leechers :
str_comments=comment :
str_other_trackers=Spare trackers :
btn_save_file=Save file
torrent_unknown_file=This is not the correct file torrent. Maybe the site where you download it is now innactive
str_click_here=<-- click
str_check=Checking actual number of seeds / peers ...
str_check_tracker=Checking tracker status...
torrent_exists_server=File doesn't exists on tracker!
torrent_error_server=Error during the test of the connection or taking the status of tracker
torrent_scraple_error=This tracker cannot check torrent status
tracker_status=Tracker is actually
btn_add=Add :
btn_getlist=Get list
trackers_caption=Alternative trackers
engine_Author=Author of plugin:
engine_version=Version of plugin:
engine_url=Search engine address :
engine_register_url=Registration address:
engine_info=Information from the author :
new_welcome=Greet in the creator of creating the new .torrent file
new_welcome_info=This creator will help you in the creation of the new .torrent file
new_click_next=Press the button "Next" to begin creating torrent
new_caption=The creator of making the file .torrent
new_str_filename=Filename or path :
new_create_one=Create 1 the file torrent for the whole content of the directory
new_create_many=Create separate files torrent for every element of the directory
new_tracker=Tracker :
new_many_trackers=Add the alternative list of trackers
new_comments=Comment to torrent :
new_segment_size=Size of part of file :
new_segment_automatic=automatic (recommends)
new_segment_selected=The chosen size :
btn_getlist=Get list
btn_show_trackers=Show list
new_end=Thank you for using creator
new_progress=The progress :
new_abort=Creating the torrent was stopped by the user
new_please_select=You have to choose the tracker which this torrent has to use
new_please_name=Please give name file or directory
new_hashing=Hashing :
new_select_file=You have to choose the file or direcotories which you want to add to the file .torrent
op_selected_engines=Selected search engines:
op_del_confirm=Are you want to delete plugin %s? Using it will not be possible any more!
op_del_confirm_caption=Delete plugin
op_del_error=Cannot delete the plugin
str_welcome=Welcome in configuration of program
str_welcome_info=There is menu on the left side whereof you can choose what you want to change. Every menu relates to the separate group of the option in the program.
str_def_dir=Default saving directory for files *.torrent :
str_def_dir_info=Leave empty field if you want to chose directory when saving a file
str_official_webpage=Official program webpage
str_select_language=Near you have the possibility to choose the language of the program. The program will be easier in use, if you do not know Polish.
btn_select_language=Activate chosen language
str_transparent= Transparent (only Win 2000 and above)
str_use_transparency=Use transparent (can slow down use of program)
str_use_all_transparency=All program windows are transparent
str_transparency_level=Transparent level :
str_transparency_info=You will have the possibility of the setting so that the whole program is transparent or only its main window. The option work only on windows 2000 and above.
str_engines_count=Number of search engines :
str_show_info=When finish show information about results
font_results=Font results
font_bg_Color=Background of results
font_preview=The preview of coloring
font_good=Good speed:
font_bad=Zero speed :
font_very_bad=Only leechers :
font_start=Beginning :
font_przepl=Interlacing :
str_use_hint=Use prompts
str_hint_count=Number of hints:
str_hint_hint=You may only write a first letters of word in search bar and program will find a whole word, which is begins on given letters in its database. The words was written by other users
btn_check_now=Check now
btn_browse=View upadtes
str_check_auto=Check automatically when program starts
str_check_planner=Check updates automatically in :
str_auto_info=Program chceck updates in x minutes, when is marked "Check automatically when program starts". Min: 1, max: 59.
str_check_info=Due to updates you will always have the newest the version of the program
str_select_skin=Choose skin
str_skin_info=Accomplished changes in this window require restart of the program.